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Gunboats on the Great Lakes 1866-68

The British Navy's show of force at the time of Confederation

This book describes British gunboat diplomacy practiced on the Great lakes in the aftermath of the US Civil War when Canada was negotiating Confederation and under Fenian attack. Cheryl MacDonald explores the impact of Fenian invasions on Canada and how the presence of the gunboats helped guarantee Canadian sovereignty.


Cheryl MacDonald

CHERYL MACDONALD wrote, co-authored, or edited nearly 40 books on Canadian history in her over 30-year career. Her articles appeared in Harrowsmith, Canadian Living, The Beaver, the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, New York Daily News and numerous other publications.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Describes how the citizens of Dunnville, Canada welcomed the crew of Her Majesty’s Britomart in 1866 when it was stationed there. 7 $0.70


Details the rise of the Fenians, their goals, and their invasion of Canada in the 1860s. 19 $1.90


Describes the Fenian attack on Canada West in 1866 19 $1.90


Describes Canada’s relationship with America and the friction that was occurring in the 1860s. 15 $1.50


Details the response to the Fenian attack of 1866 and how a navy was brought together in the 1860s to defend Canada. 35 $3.50


Details the arrival of the British gunboats — Britomart, Heron, Cherub — to Ontario in the summer of 1866. 20 $2.00


Describes the citizens response to the British gunboats in 1866 and details the citizenry’s interaction with sailors. 21 $2.10


Describes the discipline that was expected of British Navy sailors in the mid-1860s and details what happened to deserters. 23 $2.30


Describes how the British gunboats were moved around to maintain a presence in the area even though they saw little action from 1866-1868. 6 $0.60


Details what can be learned from the British gunboats being stationed in Canada from 1866-1868 and outlines questions that still need to be answered. 5 $0.50