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How Societies Work

Class, Power, and Change

In 2011, protesters around the world – including Canada – called for changes to the societies in which they live. Many observers were asking: “What do they want?” Some answers to this question can be found in How Societies Work, a unique and accessible introductory sociology textbook that introduces students to the structure of contemporary societies and the power relationships within them. In contrast to most introductory textbooks, How Societies Work explores a broad range of sociological concepts and theories while simultaneously creating a coherent picture of modern societies. Drawing on fields as diverse as anthropology, genetics, economics, social psychology, history and politics, this innovative and popular text looks at both the roots of modern societies and the current structures within them. This approach helps undergraduate students make sense of our complex social world and encourages them to connect the social world to their own lived experiences.

This extensively revised and updated fifth edition includes discussions of the roots of the recent global economic crisis and worldwide responses to it, growing social inequality, broader global struggles for change, the growth of the security state in Canada and the sudden resurgence of political protest in North America. The final chapter looks to the future, examining such issues as the possible consequences of climate change, increased forced migration of peoples and the changing dynamic of global power. More boxes, quotes and “think about it” elements have been added to the fifth edition, while the language, clarity of presentation and many examples make it even more accessible to readers. It is an introductory textbook that truly engages students in the “sociological imagination.”


Joanne Naiman

Joanne Naiman is Professor Emerita of Sociology at Ryerson University in Toronto. During her thirty-three years there she taught a variety of undergraduate courses — urban sociology, women’s studies, social change, and gender roles, in addition to introductory sociology. Outside the classroom she has long been involved in activist organizations focusing on social justice, equality, and peace.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


- 24 $3.84


- 20 $3.20


- 22 $3.52


- 28 $4.48


- 22 $3.52


- 24 $3.84


- 24 $3.84


- 26 $4.16


- 21 $3.36


- 28 $4.48


In this Chapter: What is racism, and what are its roots? Do racism and other forms of social intolerance exist in Canada? How do various social theories explain the persistence of racism? What is … 24 $3.84


- 24 $3.84


- 24 $3.84