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ISBN: 9781773634838

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Insurgent Love

Abolition and Domestic Homicide

Domestic homicide is violence that strikes within our most intimate relations. The most common strategy for addressing this kind of transgression relies on policing and prisons. But through examining commonly accepted typologies of high-risk intimate partner violence, Ardath Whynacht shows that policing can be understood as part of the same root problem as the violence it seeks to mend and provides an abolitionist frame for the most dangerous forms of intimate partner violence. This book illustrates that the origins of both the carceral state and toxic masculinity are situated in settler colonialism and racial capitalism and sees police homicide and domestic homicide as akin. Describing an experience of domestic homicide in her community and providing a deeply personal analysis of some of the most recent cases of homicide in Canada, the author inhabits the complexity of seeking abolitionist justice. Insurgent Love traces the major risk factors for domestic homicide within the structures of racial capitalism and suggests transformative, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, feminist approaches for safety, prevention and justice.


Ardath Whynacht

Ardath Whynacht is an activist and writer who works for and with survivors of state and family violence. She teaches sociology at Mount Allison University and lives on unceded Mi’kmaw territory.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


In the introductory chapter, the author defines key terms that are essential to the text, details the failures of the current carceral approach to family violence, and details how her personal … 24 $2.40


This chapter recounts the friendship between the author and a man convicted of killing his partner. 8 $0.80


In this chapter, Whynacht explores the link between systems of colonialism and domestic homicide. She proceeds to argue that the first formations of coercive control relations in the Americas … 25 $2.50


This chapter explores the mass murders in Portapique, Nova Scotia, in 2020. 10 $1.00


This chapter explores the relationship between occupation, stress, and domestic homicide. It also describes the links between heteropatriarchal gender norms and family violence. 16 $1.60


In this chapter, the author explores the the case of a veteran who killed his partner, daughter, and mother. 6 $0.60


In this chapter, Whynacht considers implications for intervention, prevention, and transformation of the conditions that lead to domestic homicide. She also explores how strategic abolitionist … 36 $3.60