ISBN: 9781459413559-00

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The Shelterscape in Canada

From: Beyond Shelters


Provides a short history of the homeless shelter sector’s development followed by a description of its current size, shape, and orientations in Canada. Analyzes how homeless shelters have changed since their inception over 100 years ago and are no longer the monolithic and homogenous institutions they once were. In their diversity and increasing focus on the reduction of homelessness, shelters are becoming key actors in the campaign to end homelessness in Canada.



James Hughes

JAMES HUGHES has worked as a senior administrator in social services for more than fifteen years. He served as Director General of the Old Brewery Mission, Quebec's largest centre serving homeless people. He was the Deputy Minister of Social Development in New Brunswick from 2008 to 2011 and now works for the Montreal based McConnell Foundation. He is the author of Early Intervention: How Canada's social programs can work better, save lives, and often save money. He lives in Montreal.