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From: In a Queer Country


Queer literature review; "Queer Country?" Conference (1996)



Terry Goldie

Terry Goldie is the author of the memoir queersexlife (Arsenal Pulp Press) and the editor of the anthology In a Queer Country: Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context (Arsenal Pulp Press). His other books include Pink Snow: Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction (Broadview 2003), and Fear and Temptation: The Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures (McGill-Queen's, 1989). He is a professor of English at York University in Toronto, where he teaches Canadian and postcolonial literature with particular interest in gay studies and literary theory. Terry Goldie is the author of the memoir queersexlife (Arsenal Pulp Press) and the editor of the anthology In a Queer Country: Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context (Arsenal Pulp Press). His other books include Pink Snow: Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction (Broadview 2003), and Fear and Temptation: The Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures (McGill-Queen's, 1989). He is a professor of English at York University in Toronto, where he teaches Canadian and postcolonial literature with particular interest in gay studies and literary theory.