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ISBN: 9781771860642-00

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From: Scandinavian Common Sense


The introduction outlines the book’s goal of examining the strengths of the Nordic model by studying and evaluating the strengths of these countries’ public policies; it states that this work is an attempt to review, for the benefit of decision-makers, those public policies that have been most successful at reducing social inequalities and poverty. It outlines the details and methodology of this study.



Marie-France Raynault

Marie-France Raynault (MD, MSc Epidemiology, FRCP(c), FCAHS) is a medical doctor specialized in public health. She heads the Département de médecine préventive et santé publique at the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal. She also heads the Lea Roback Research Centre, which she co-founded. Throughout her career, her main interest has been the health of the poor.

Dominique Côté

Dominique Côté (MA Sociology) is a researcher in health and social services. Her Master’s thesis on the family and work-life balancing policies of the Nordic countries. She is a research officer at the Lea Roback Research Centre.

Sébastien Chartrand

Sébastien Chartrand (PhD Sociology) studied community organizations in Sweden at Stockholm University. He also worked as a research officer for the Lea Roback Research Center. Now he teaches in Germany.