
Publication Year


Investigating Plurality

From: The Politics of Voting


Outline of the workings of the current plurality voting system and exploration of its implications for voters, parties and the political system in support of an argument that it is not defensible.



Dennis Pilon

Dennis Pilon is an associate professor of Political Science at York University. In 2005/06 he was the Canada Research Chair Postdoctoral Fellow in Canadian Studies at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. Before coming to the University of Victoria in 2006 he taught politics courses at York University, the University of Toronto, and Trent University. His research has focused primarily on issues of democratization and democratic reform in western countries in both contemporary and historical contexts. His published work includes contributions to the Journal of Canadian Studies, the Canadian Journal of Political Science, the Canadian Parliamentary Review and Labour/Le Travail, as well as reports for the Law Commission of Canada, the Centre for Social Justice, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.