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ISBN: 9781552663394

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Islamophobia and the Question of Muslim Identity

The Politics of Difference and Solidarity

This book is a critical analysis of a Muslim group in Canada that has been working to challenge Islamophobia in their community. An important part of their anti-racist work involves dealing with the internal conflicts and dilemmas created by the differences among the members of the group. The coalition has been successful in developing several educational initiatives, in part, because they have been able to negotiate internal differences in ways that do not fragment the group. Through discussions with members of the coalition the author explores the tensions that arise from these internal differences, and in doing so demonstrates the diversity of Muslim identity – and challenges the stereotypical image that has permeated the West for centuries.


Evelyn Leslie Hamdon

Evelyn is a PhD student and Killam Scholar in the department of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Alberta and her research focus is on representations of Arab and Muslim women in popular culture. Her research focuses on how racialized groups negotiate their complex identities and identity differences within solidarity and activist spaces and the effects of media representations on their lived experiences.

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