
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459406254-06

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I’ve got to throw out the bones now

From: Gang Life


Dillon, aged thirty-three and a Latino father of two, tells his

story in Chapter Six. Along with five friends, he founded a gang

in high school. A few years later he was asked to patch over and

lead the Canadian chapter of a large multinational gang. His

gang was into drug and gun trafficking and inflicting violence

on anyone in their way. Dillon now plays in a jazz band and

regularly speaks to groups of young people about the dangers of

gangs and drugs.



Mark Totten

MARK TOTTEN is a professor of criminal justice at Humber College in Toronto whose research focuses on organized crime, corrections, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, mental health, violence, and gender identity. Over the past decade, he has collaborated with groups in Ontario and Western Canada in the development and evaluation of multi-year gang prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies.