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ISBN: 9781552216453-05

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Losing Your Bicycle

Chapter 5


From: Every Cyclist’s Guide to Canadian Law


In Losing Your Bicycle Waters discusses the problems that can arise from the disappearance or theft of a bicycle. The chapter examines topics including property law as they pertain to bikes, the required action as per the scale and scope of theft, provides multiple missing bicycle scenarios and steps to address each scenario, consequences of buying a stolen bike, and the legal questions that arise in each situation.



Christopher Waters

Chris Waters is a professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Windsor. He is a longtime commuter and recreational cyclist, and former Chair of the Windsor Bicycling Committee. Called to the Ontario bar in 1996, Chris holds degrees from the University of Toronto, Queen’s University, and McGill University. He has been a visiting scholar in the Netherlands and France. He writes about international law when not on his bike or researching cycling history and law. @profcwaters