
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781552213537-20


Mapping the Outcomes of Multidisciplinary Intellectual Property Research

Lessons from the African Copyright Experience

From: Intellectual Property for the 21st Century


Multidisciplinary intellectual property research often involves large-scale collaborative projects. Such projects combine not just multiple research frameworks, methods, and perspectives, but also multiple individuals, institutions, and sources of funding. Demonstrating the results of financial and human resource investments into complex multidisciplinary projects is increasingly important. Experiences from one recent multidisciplinary project — the African Copyright and Access to Knowledge project — provide lessons for other intellectual property researchers trying to map outcomes from current and future projects.



Jeremy de Beer

Jeremy de Beer is a law Professor at the University of Ottawa, working on technological innovation, intellectual property, and international trade and development. Many of his refereed publications on intellectual property issues relating to innovation and creativity appear in top-ranked journals recognized across the disciplines of law, business, communications, and political science. He has authored numerous other papers, studies, and commissioned reports, and published four books, including Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright. Professor de Beer teaches multidisciplinary seminars on intellectual property policy, the digital mu-sic business, and sustainable international development, and an introduc-tion to the fundamentals of property law. With academic qualifications including a graduate degree in law from the University of Oxford and un-dergraduate degrees in business and in law from the University of Sas-katchewan, he is also a practicing lawyer and an experienced strategy con-sultant to technology companies, creator groups, law firms, think tanks, governments, and international organizations. After working at MacLeod Dixon LLP and clerking at the Federal Court of Appeal, he was legal counsel to the Copyright Board. He has appeared as counsel before the Federal Court of Appeal and, most recently, in landmark copyright cases before the Su-preme Court of Canada.