
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605999-02


"New Styles of Architecture, a Change of Heart"? The Architexts of A.M. Klein and ER. Scott

From: The Canadian Modernists Meet


In view of the central role that architecture has always played as an embodiment and signal of change in Western culture, it is scarcely, if at all, surprising that Canada’s modern poets frequently turned to architectural structures and semiotics in their meditations on the present condition and potential future of Canadian society.


D.M.R Bentley

D.M.R Bentley is a professor of English at the University of Western Ontario. He is the editor of Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews as well as numerous scholarly editions of early Canadian literary texts and documents, and is the publisher of Canadian Poetry Press. He has published widely in the fields of Canadian and Victorian literature, including The Gay/Grey Moose: Essays on the Ecologies and Mythologies of Canadian Poetry, 1690-1990 (1992), Mimic Fires: Accounts of Early Long Poems on Canada (1994), Mnemographia Canadensis: Essays on Memory, Community, and Environment in Canada, with Particular Reference to London, Ontario (1995), and The Confederation Group of Canadian Poets, 1880-1897 (2004).