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ISBN: 9781550925784

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Resilient Agriculture

Cultivating Food Systems for A Changing Climate

Climate change presents an unprecedented challenge to the productivity and profitability of agriculture in North America. More variable weather, drought and flooding create the most obvious damage, but hot summer nights, warmer winters, longer growing seasons and other environmental changes have more subtle but far-reaching effects on plant and livestock growth and development.

Resilient Agriculture recognizes the critical role that sustainable agriculture will play in the coming decades and beyond. The latest science on climate risk, resilience and climate change adaptation is blended with the personal experience of farmers and ranchers.

The climate change challenge is real, and it is here now. To enjoy the sustained production of food, fiber and fuel well into the 21st century, we must begin now to make changes that will enhance the adaptive capacity and resilience of North American agriculture. The rich knowledge base presented in Resilient Agriculture is poised to serve as the cornerstone of an evolving, climate-ready food system.


Laura Lengnick

Laura Lengnick is a researcher, policymaker, activist, educator and farmer whose work explores the community-enhancing potential of sustainable agriculture and food systems. Laura contributed to the 3rd National Climate Assessment as a lead author of the USDA report Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation. After leading the academic program in sustainable agriculture at Warren Wilson College for more than a decade, Laura is now an affiliated researcher with the Local Food Research Center and a climate resilience planning consultant with Fernleaf Solutions, both located in Asheville, NC.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


This chapter provides a brief history of agricultural practices and outlines the different crops and livestock that are cultivated in different environments. The chapter goes on to discuss how … 40 $4.00


This chapter explores the ways that climate change impacts different regions and different crops, and outlines the effects that environmental changes will have on the highly delicate balance that … 24 $2.40


This chapter explores the concept of sensitivity as it relates to agriculture. Sensitivity is the degree to which agricultural systems are effected by changes in their environment. Crops can be … 30 $3.00


This chapter explores the concept of adaptive capacity: the ability of a farm to manage human, social, natural, physical, and financial resources to adapt to changes in its environment. 32 $3.20


This chapter features case studies of vegetable farmers in different regions and describes the methods they use to adapt to the changing climate and promote sustainability on their own farms. … 38 $3.80


This chapter features case studies of fruit and nut growers and describes the ways in which they adapt to climate change and promote sustainable growing practices. These include using overhead … 30 $3.00


This chapter features case studies of grain growers and describes the ways in which they adapt to climate change and promote sustainable growing practices. These include placing a greater … 36 $3.60


This chapter features case studies of livestock ranchers in different climates and highlights the effects they are feeling from climate change and the innovations they are using to adapt and … 40 $4.00


This chapter summarizes the key innovations and practices that the farmers featured in the book have implemented to deal with climate change and describes the main attributes of a sustainable … 42 $4.20


The final chapter of the book looks beyond the farm and assesses ways for the entire food production system – from farm to table – to become more resilient. Everything from … 34 $3.40