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ISBN: 9781772551754-03

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Robertson and Rosetanni v. The Queen, 1963

From: The Court and the Charter


A majority of the Supreme Court of Canada, in looking at the effect of the Lord’s Day Act rather than its purpose, upheld a conviction for operating a bowling alley in contravention of the Act as not infringing freedom of religion under the Canadian Bill of Rights. A dissenting opinion considered the legislation to compel the observance of Sunday as a religious holy day under the penal sanctions of the criminal law.



Tom Bateman

Thomas Bateman is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at St. Thomas University in Fredericton.

Janet Hieber

Janet Hiebert is a Professor in the Department of Political Studies at Queen’s University in Kingston.

Rainer Knopff

Rainer Knopff is a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary.

Peter Russell

Peter H. Russell is Professor of political science (Emeritus) at the University of Toronto.