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ISBN: 9780776607009


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Russia and the North

Russia holds more Arctic territory than any other state, yet unlike other Arctic states it does not have a unified strategy identifying economic and political aims for the North. Russia’s policies on the North are dispersed across a variety of fields from domestic migration politics to oil and gas development. This volume engages the disparate elements of Russian northern policy and illustrates how the centralized, relatively economically strong and politically assertive Russia of today defines and addresses northern spaces, opportunities, and challenges. As energy markets continue looking northward and climate change renders the Arctic increasingly accessible, the geopolitical interests of Arctic states will be brought more frequently to the forefront. These circumstances will make the disputed borders and overlapping sovereignty claims of the North an important topic in international politics. Given its geographic size and political influence, Russia is and will continue to be a key regional and global actor in the international politics of the North.


Elana Wilson Rowe

Elana Wilson Rowe is a senior research fellow at the Department for Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. She holds a Ph.D. from the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, UK. She has worked on a broad range of issues relating to circumpolar and Russian politics, including climate change policy and the knowledge politics of international multilateral contexts. She is the co-editor of The Multilateral Dimension in Russian Foreign Policy (Routledge, 2009).

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Introduction 15 $1.80


In the Russian tradition, development of the Far North goes hand in hand with its militarization. Currently, Moscow has reasons to assume that while it may be lagging behind in exploration and … 18 $2.16


This chapter gives a brief overview of BEAR and the bilateral cooperation between Russia and Norway on fisheries managementand environmental protection, including nuclear safety, in the Barents … 18 $2.16


This chapter begins with a brief introduction to global climate change and trends in greenhouse gases (GHGs) before turning to the trends and sources of Russian GHGs and the role of the Russian … 33 $3.96


Russian fisheries sector has earned a reputation as being inefficient, criminalized and unreformable. Official yearly catches are down to a third of the amounts produced towards the end of the … 20 $2.40


The aim of this chapter is to assess the place of offshore petroleum development in the context of overall Russian energy priorities and to examine the evolution of offshore policy and strategy … 21 $2.52


The analysis in this chapter is based on a combination of statistics showing changes in the size and composition of the population of the Far North, as well as policy documents of the Russian … 35 $4.20


This chapter aims to answer the following question: What is the status of indigenous rights in the Russian North, and to what extent does Russia adhere to international standards on indigenous rights? 21 $2.52


This chapter discusses some of the current problems in the relationships between the northern indigenous peoples of Russia, oil and gas developers and governmental structures. These … 16 $1.92


Afterword 7 $0.84