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ISBN: 9781771861373-05

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Sharing Parental Leave– A Radical Step?

From: Motherhood, The Mother of All Sexism


Quebec is a trailblazer in North America when it comes to paternity leave, borrowing from a tried-and-true template popular in Scandinavian nations; however, fathers in Quebec are more hesitant when it comes to the transferrable leave. The author makes a plea for a better division of parental leave, one that encourages fathers to be more present in the first months of a child’s life. The chapter touches on parental reforms around the world– including in Scandinavia and France– and looks at how Quebec can better tackle an imbalance in parental responsibilities.



Marilyse Hamelin

Marilyse Hamelin is an independent journalist, blogger and public speaker born in 1980. She is a regular contributor to leading French-language publications including Le Devoir, La Presse, L’actualité, La Gazette des femmes and Châtelaine. As a committed feminist, she is often invited by Radio-Canada and other media to discuss the burning issues concerning women’s rights. Motherhood, The Mother of All Sexism, published in French under the title Maternité, La face cachée du sexisme (Leméac, 2017) is her first book. Marilyse lives in Montreal.