Smashing Heads Doesn’t Open Minds

Morality Binds and Blinds with Jonathan Haidt

From: I'm Right and You're an Idiot


Ingrained, tribal behaviors can bind and blind us, and shut down open-minded thinking. Looking at the dynamic of polarization from the point of view of tribes and teams is enlightening and useful in this discussion. Banding together can lead to unreasonable behavior, disagreements and violent conflict because we are not driven by rationality, facts or compelling arguments.



James Hoggan

James Hoggan is president of the PR firm Hoggan & Associates and chair of the David Suzuki Foundation board. A tireless advocate for ethics and integrity in public relations, he founded the influential website DeSmogBlog to expose misinformation campaigns that pollute public debate around climate change and the environment. He has advised a wide range of organizations, governments, universities and corporations, and is a sought-after speaker around North America and Europe. Hoggan has chaired and served on numerous national and international boards and advisory committees including the Four Great Rivers Society and Shell Global’s External Review Committee. He is the author of Climate Cover-Up and Do the Right Thing: PR Tips for a Skeptical Public.