
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459411166-07

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Some Doctors Weigh In — 2013

From: The Right to Die


The medical community has long had mixed feelings about assisted death. Some doctors claim that helping a patient die is a violation of the Hippocratic injunction to “do no harm,” because death is the ultimate harm. Other doctors have looked at the idea of harm in a more nuanced way — that harm includes allowing a patient to needlessly suffer from terminal illness.



Gary Bauslaugh

GARY BAUSLAUGH is the author of The Secret Power of Juries and Robert Latimer: A Story of Justice and Mercy. His writing has appeared in many publications and he has served as the president of the Humanist Association of Canada and editor of Humanist Perspectives. Gary, who holds a PhD in chemistry from McGill University, was a teacher and administrator in Canadian colleges and universities for many years. He lives in Victoria, B.C.