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ISBN: 9781550925784-00

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Sustaining Agriculture in a Changing Climate

From: Resilient Agriculture


This chapter provides a brief history of agricultural practices and outlines the different crops and livestock that are cultivated in different environments. The chapter goes on to discuss how these environments are impacted by climate change and how climate change impacts agriculture.



Laura Lengnick

Laura Lengnick is a researcher, policymaker, activist, educator and farmer whose work explores the community-enhancing potential of sustainable agriculture and food systems. Laura contributed to the 3rd National Climate Assessment as a lead author of the USDA report Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation. After leading the academic program in sustainable agriculture at Warren Wilson College for more than a decade, Laura is now an affiliated researcher with the Local Food Research Center and a climate resilience planning consultant with Fernleaf Solutions, both located in Asheville, NC.