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ISBN: 9780776629209-01

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That Men May Fight

Women and Military Service during the World Wars


From: Material Traces of War


This chapter describes what some Canadian women did in the military along with how they pushed and lobbied for expanded roles. From military nurses in both wars, to paramilitary auxiliary corps, to the establishment of the women’s service branches in 1941–1942, the stories in this chapter follow the evolution of these roles from 1914 to 1945. It also highlights the challenges and opportunities facing women who opted for military service, as they moved into an area previously closed to them.



Stacey Barker

Stacey Barker works as Historian, Arts & Military History for Canadian Museum of History.

Krista Cooke

Krista Cooke is a Curator at Parks Canada.

Molly McCullough

Molly McCullough is the assistant curator at the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum.