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ISBN: 9781551521053-07

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The Bisexuality Wars:

The Perils of Identity as Marginality

From: In a Queer Country


Zoe Newman’s ‘The Bisexuality Wars: The Perils of Identity as Marginality" looks at differing views of sexual orientation, in particular the role of self-identified bisexuals in lesbian organizations, and how they might be compared to similar views of ethnicity, in this case the polarized interpretation of Jews, on the one side as a victim of discrimination and on the other as part of "white" hegemony.



Zoë Newman

Zoë Newman recently completed her Ph.d in Sociology and Equity Studies, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. She is currently a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellow at York University in Toronto. Her current research looks at how racial and sexual hierarchies are sustained through the organization of urban space.Zoë Newman recently completed her Ph.d in Sociology and Equity Studies, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. She is currently a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellow at York University in Toronto. Her current research looks at how racial and sexual hierarchies are sustained through the organization of urban space.