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ISBN: 9781773055107

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The Case for Climate Capitalism

Economic Solutions for a Planet in Crisis


A warming climate and a general distrust of Wall Street has opened a new cultural divide among those who otherwise agree we must mitigate climate risk: anti-market critics such as Naomi Klein target capitalism itself as a root cause of climate change while climate-savvy business leaders believe we can largely continue with business as usual by tinkering around the edges of our economic system.

Rand argues that both sides in this emerging cultural war are ill-equipped to provide solutions to the climate crisis, and each is remarkably naïve in their view of capitalism. On one hand, we cannot possibly transition off fossil fuels without the financial might and entrepreneurial talent market forces alone can unlock. On the other, without radical changes to the way markets operate, capitalism will take us right off the climate cliff.

Rejecting the old Left/Right ideologies, Rand develops a more pragmatic view capable of delivering practical solutions to this critical problem. A renewed capitalism harnessed to the task is the only way we might replace fossil fuels fast enough to mitigate severe climate risk. If we leave our dogma at the door, Rand argues, we might just build an economy that survives the century.


Tom Rand

Tom Rand is a recognized thought leader and public speaker on the necessity and economic upside of a rapid, global transition to a low-carbon economy. Tom is managing partner of ArcTern Ventures, a new father, sits on a number of boards, and finds it hard to believe we're still having this conversation. He is the author of Kick the Fossil Fuel Habit (2010) and Waking the Frog: Solutions to Our Climate Change Paralysis (2014).

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Preface 8 $0.80


Introduction 16 $1.60


In this chapter, Rand explores the variety of conflicting ideologies and approached to tackling climate change. These include techno-optimists, anti-capitalists and ecomodernists. Rand argues … 46 $4.60


This chapter explores the capitalist system. Rand discusses the pitfalls of unrestricted growth and the warnings of the Club of Rome. Rand concludes that capitalist systems can and must be … 27 $2.70


In this chapter, Rand discusses carbon pricing as a way to limit emissions. He discusses the history of carbon pricing policies, and provides case studies of places where these policies have been … 33 $3.30


In this chapter, Rand argues that cutting emissions is good business. He provides reasons that should motivate business owners to tackle climate change. 26 $2.60


This chapter explores a variety of policies that can be implemented to stimulate investment in green technologies and accelerate the implementation of these technologies. Policies discussed … 43 $4.30


In this chapter, Rand discusses the question of sovereignty. He argues that we must look beyond national borders and begin thinking on a global level to address climate change. 18 $1.80


In this chapter, Rand summarizes the challenges facing humanity if it wants to survive the 21st century. He concludes with a letter to his son, giving a vision of a future where climate change is … 20 $2.00