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ISBN: 9781552453957-07

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The Desolate Land

From: Disfigured


Chapter 7 explores ‘desolate lands’ as synonyms for depression in fairy tales, discussing topics including rape in fairy tales, construction of mental illness in fairy tales, the case of Bridget Cleary, qualifying disabled people as objects of pity or charity, the gendered idea of madness, and the authors own struggles with depression and depressive episodes.



Amanda Leduc

Amanda Leduc’s essays and stories have appeared in publications across Canada, the US, and the UK. She is the author of the novels The Miracles of Ordinary Men and the forthcoming The Centaur’s Wife. She has cerebral palsy and lives in Hamilton, Ontario, where she works as the Communications Coordinator for the Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD), Canada’s first festival for diverse authors and stories.