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ISBN: 9781771135108-12

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The National Indian Philosophy


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood


Chapter ten of George Manuel’s biography looks at 1971-1972, when as president of the National Indian Brotherhood, he focused on Indian control of education and rebuilding Indian communities economically. He also is involved with court cases regarding women losing their Indian status when they married, an issue of the Indian Act, and also discrimination against Indigenous women.



Peter McFarlane

Peter McFarlane is an author, journalist, and editor. His books include Northern Shadows: Canadians in Central America and Ancient Land, Ancient Sky: Following Canada’s Native Canoe Routes. He currently lives north of Montreal and is engaged in a number of writing and editing projects.

Doreen Manuel

Doreen Manuel (Secwepemc/Ktunaxa) comes from a long line of Indigenous oral historians and factual storytellers. She is an award-winning filmmaker and educator, the principal owner of Running Wolf Productions, and the director of the Bosa Centre for Film and Animation at Capilano University.