Doreen Manuel

Showing 1–16 of 23 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Brotherhood to Nationhood

George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement

Charged with fresh material and new perspectives, this updated edition of the groundbreaking biography Brotherhood to Nationhood brings George Manuel and his fighting tradition into the present. … ; 342 View


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The Preface by the co-author Doreen Manuel, George Manuel’s daughter, shares her perspectives on her father and the purpose and updates of the new edition. 7 $0.70 Add

Paradise, Paradise Lost


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The first chapter of George Manuel’s biography introduces George Manuel as man of deep conviction and understanding of his culture and its needs in the face of the government of Canada, via … ; 5 $0.50 Add

The Hard Luck Shuswap Kid


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The second chapter of George Manuel’s biography outlines his early childhood up to age 12, an only child to his mother, and his father, who died when he was a baby. He was eventually raised … ; 11 $1.10 Add

White Plague, Red Victims


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The third chapter of George Manuel’s biography begins with his diagnosis of tuberculosis and his stay at the Coqualeetza Preventoria for treatment. It also explores the impact of the … ; 12 $1.20 Add

Local Agitator to Provincial Leader


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The fourth chapter of George Manuel’s biography details his journey from a person who recognized an important opportunity for defiance of government control of First Nations peoples and … ; 14 $1.40 Add

A Future for Your Children


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

The fifth chapter of George Manuel’s biography picks up on Manuel’s new leadership roles and his new involvement in politics, including his election as the Neskonlith band Chief. His … ; 13 $1.30 Add

Community Development and the Arthur Laing Gang


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

In the sixth chapter of his biography, George Manuel begins his community development job for the Department of Indian Affairs, starting with training in Quebec City, before being placed in … ; 17 $1.70 Add

Down the Garden Path: Chretien/Andras Consultations


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter seven of George Manuel’s biography covers 1968 and 1969, during which time he met and became involved with Marlene August. He was also offered a job working for Harold Cardinal in … ; 15 $1.50 Add

From White Paper to Red Paper


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter eight of George Manuel’s biography deals with the Chrétien White Paper in the period of 1969 to 1970 that aims to end the special status of Indians in Canada. Manuel and his … ; 14 $1.40 Add

The National Chief

From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter nine of George Manuel’s biography details his path to become National Chief and president of the National Indian Brotherhood and the beginning of his term there, including people he … ; 17 $1.70 Add

The National Indian Philosophy


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter ten of George Manuel’s biography looks at 1971-1972, when as president of the National Indian Brotherhood, he focused on Indian control of education and rebuilding Indian … ; 13 $1.30 Add

International Travels

From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter eleven of George Manuel’s biography tells of his international travels, first to Australia and New Zealand as part of a Department of Indian Affairs delegation, and the insights he … ; 17 $1.70 Add

Land Title and the James Bay Battle


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter twelve of George Manuel’s biography looks at land rights court battles and the issue of the James Bay hydroelectric project in Northern Quebec during the years 1972 and 1973. ; 15 $1.50 Add

Red Power

From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter thirteen of George Manuel’s biography start with a family focus, with the birth of his second child with Marlene, and the involvement of his older sons in his Indigenous rights … ; 13 $1.30 Add

Political Eruptions in British Columbia


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood

Chapter fourteen of George Manuel’s biography covers the organizing of the Indigenous peoples conference held in Copenhagen in 1975, resulting in the founding of the World Council of … ; 18 $1.80 Add