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ISBN: 9781771135108-21

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European Express


From: Brotherhood to Nationhood


Chapter nineteen of George Manuel’s biography covers the last years of his leadership life, 1981-1982, and the aftermath of the Constitution Express, which continued on to Europe. During this time, he had major heart surgery and then suffered a stroke. He considered serving an additional term as Union president but was convinced to step down.



Peter McFarlane

Peter McFarlane is an author, journalist, and editor. His books include Northern Shadows: Canadians in Central America and Ancient Land, Ancient Sky: Following Canada’s Native Canoe Routes. He currently lives north of Montreal and is engaged in a number of writing and editing projects.

Doreen Manuel

Doreen Manuel (Secwepemc/Ktunaxa) comes from a long line of Indigenous oral historians and factual storytellers. She is an award-winning filmmaker and educator, the principal owner of Running Wolf Productions, and the director of the Bosa Centre for Film and Animation at Capilano University.