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ISBN: 9780776605944


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The New Geo-Governance

A Baroque Approach

Over the last few decades, the Westphalian nation-state has lost its hegemonic position in the system of geo-governance. A dispersive revolution has led to the emergence of powerful newly networked business organizations, new subsidiary-focused governments, and increasingly virtual, elective, and malleable communities. This in turn has led to the crystallization of distributed governance regimes, based on a wider variety of more fluid and always evolving groups of stakeholders. In The New Geo-Governance, Gilles Paquet develops a general conceptual framework to deal with the new evolving reality of global governance. He uses this framework to critically examine the evolving territorial governance (hemispheric governance, meso-innovation systems, smart city-regions) and tackles the more complex governance challenges raised by sustainability and common-property resources like oceans. Paquet further explores the implications of this emerging polycentric geo-governance on the new forms of stewardship and its impact on citizenship, federalism, and other technologies of coordination, and reflects on the sort of subversive bricolage required if the missing mechanisms for effective coordination are to be put in place. The New Geo-Governance will be of great interest to students and scholars interested in governance, organizational design, international affairs, and political studies.


Gilles Paquet

Gilles Paquet is a professor emeritus and senior research fellow in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa and the president of the Royal Society of Canada.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Introduction 11 $0.99


This chapter examines the ways in which the institutional order has been reconfigured, and the likely consequences of this mutation. 21 $1.89


In the face of this new emerging institutional order, the whole difference between the perspectives of the optimist and the pessimist hinges on the extent to which one believes in the … 14 $1.26


The strategic state undoubtedly has a role to play in jump-starting, catalyzing, and steering the process of social learning, while allowing the other two domains (the private and civic sectors) … 18 $1.62


It is most effective to partition the problem into compartments, and to put in place ecologies of governance making the highest and best use—in an eclectic way—of all the possible … 12 $1.08


Over the past 40 years, the relative importance both of Canada’s government and of its banks has declined considerably on the world scene. Canada has had to make a number of adjustments to … 27 $2.43


Too many forces at work in the world economy would appear to suggest that, as globalization proceeds, national disintegration occurs, and sub-national components gain more importance. 18 $1.62


Smart communities are creating new geo-governance challenges: they require a new form of governance and leadership if they are to yield their promised returns, and this will only emerge in action … 19 $1.71


To deepen our understanding of the governance of sustainability, we have argued that we need a new, open, and creative approach; a new language; imaginative organizational design; and shared … 24 $2.16


Canada’s marine dominion underpins numerous industries including commercial fishing, aquaculture, transport, shipbuilding, tourism, mining, and oil and gas extraction. Access to the oceans … 34 $3.06


Oceans form a complex, adaptive socio-technical system requiring a certain kind of sustainable governance regime for its effective stewardship. The "right kind" of regime will be one … 25 $2.25


The new information and communication technologies, and the greater connectedness they have generated, are only one of the families offerees, albeit an important one, that have increased the … 19 $1.71


Australian and Canadian citizenships are emergent idiosyncratic realities. These complex institutions are the result of the on-going interaction between values and environment. The sort of social … 24 $2.16


Even when federalism has attempted to inject a "national" flavour into such geographical essentialism, or when it has tried to transform itself into a "multination … 15 $1.35


What is most likely to materialize over time is the sort of step-by-step integration that has been effected in Europe, and is under way in the Americas. This is also in progress for "ocean … 19 $1.71