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ISBN: 9781771135016-12

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The Outsider as the Insider

Steve Bannon, Fourth Turnings, and the Neofascist Threat


From: Spectres of Fascism


This chapter explores the nature of Donald Trumps rise to power through the rise and fall of Steve Bannon a one-time member of Trumps inner circle.



Joan Braune

Joan Braune specializes in Frankfurt School Critical Theory and social/political philosophy. In particular, her work is an addition to the rediscovery of Erich Fromm’s contribution to Critical Theory. She has published Erich Fromm’s Revolutionary Hope: Prophetic Messianism as a Critical Theory of the Future (Sense Publishers, 2014), along with a number of chapters, articles and reviews. Her latest research explores the relationship between theory and practice, drawing again upon Critical Theory but also expanding into connected questions in Caribbean philosophy, critical pedagogy, and Catholic Social Thought.