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ISBN: 9780776606842-07


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The PSC as a Cautious Reformer: Staffing Reforms during the Mulroney Years: 1984-1993

From: Defending a Contested Ideal


The events examined in this chapter illustrate how, in contrast to a common misperception, the commission was more than willing to reform itself and the staffing process. While it is clear that it resisted, with success, more radical institutional reforms that would have threatened its independence as the guardian of merit and nonpartisanship, it did favour significant reforms to staffing rules, seeking to ensure greater managerial flexibility.



Luc Juillet

Having served as its founding director until 2012, Luc Juillet now teaches democratic government, public administration and environmental policy at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Ken Rasmussen is director of the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Regina.