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ISBN: 9780776603476-25


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"The Secret Voice" 1982

From: The Quebec Anthology


Le Surveillant was translated in 1990 as The Secret Voice by Matt Cohen, and it is from this collection that the title story has been taken. "The Secret Voice" exemplifies Brulotte’s fascination with the juxtaposition of the formal and the fantastic, as well as his recurring subject—contemporary humanity in the grip of a hostile, strange, yet alluring universe. Brulotte’s work has been compared to that of the American writer John Hawkes. "While reading Brulotte we sometimes laugh," Gilles Marcotte has written, "but it is

never a frank laugh, because even the most fantastic situations in which he places his characters are too similar to those in which we live."



Gaétan Brulotte

Gaétan Brulotte was born in Lauzon on April 8, 1945, and studied at the Université de Paris under Roland Barthes, receiving his Ph.D. in modern literature in 1978. He has since taught in several universities, including Université du Québec à Montreal, Laval, California, and New Mexico. He currently lives in Trois-Rivières, where he teaches French language and literature. Brulotte's first novel, L'Emprise (Double Exposure) was published in 1978 and won the Prix Robert-Cliche. A book of short stories, Le Surveillant, followed in 1982; it was awarded the Prix Adrienne-Choquette as well as the Prix France-Québec. A second collection of stories, Ce qui nous tient, appeared in 1988.