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The Teen Sex Trade

My Story

Jade Brooks grew up like any other kid — she played with friends, lovingly teased and was teased by her siblings, and excelled at school. It wasn’t until she was removed from her family at age 11 that she felt something was wrong. Growing up between two of Halifax’s predominantly black neighbourhoods, Jade was raised in communities plagued by social problems. Addictions, tangled personal relationships, social workers, and prison terms became everyday facts. When the first serious love of her life entered the picture at age 15, that relationship became the centre of everything. Following a path many have taken before, pushed along by her abusive boyfriend, Jade found herself in the sex trade. She learned to sell her body in the strip clubs and massage parlours of Toronto and Montreal in order to survive.

Gifted with the ability to recall details of personalities, events, and conversations, Jade reveals a reality that will be unknown to many of her readers. She tells her story straight out, no holds barred, just as she remembers it. By doing so, she allows her readers to come to a far deeper appreciation of the circumstances that lead to the trafficking of young women in Canada today.


Jade M. Brooks

JADE H. BROOKS, now in her mid-twenties, lives with her family on Canada’s west coast. As an advocate against human trafficking, Jade uses her life experiences to raise awareness and prevent young people from being coerced into the sex trade. She holds a college diploma in Community Services.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


The author, a young black Nova Scotian, outlines her methodology for writing this book and the decision to publish under her real name but maintain pseudonyms for any other individual connected … 7 $0.70


A first person true account of a Black woman’s youth in Halifax, Nova Scotia entailing growing up with four of her eight siblings, the volatile relationship between her parents, and her … 18 $1.80


The author’s account of her childhood as a black girl forced away from her parents and into the foster care system with vivid detail on the multitude of homes she went to. 13 $1.30


A young black Nova Scotian describes her early teen years and the first sexual experiences she had as resulted from being in the foster care system. Clearly describes her experience of … 23 $2.30


The author outlines the start of her relationship with a young black man when she was a teen. 8 $0.80


A vivid account of a young black couple’s relationship including incidents of abuse, sexual experiences, their relationship with family, and that the relationship was non-exclusive on his part. 14 $1.40


A black woman from Nova Scotia recounts how her relationship with her boyfriend when she was 16 became an obsession leading her mother to kick her out of the house. 15 $1.50


A Nova Scotian woman recounts her life from age 16 to 17 as it relates to men, drugs, sexually transmitted infections, and abuse from her boyfriend. 17 $1.70


A black Nova Scotian woman recounts how at 17 she was hit by her boyfriend and against the advice of others stayed with him. To prove her love for him he makes her have sex with his friend. 20 $2.00


A black Nova Scotian woman outlines her experience as a 17 year old who begins working in the sex trade at the urging of her boyfriend as the best way for the couple to make money. 20 $2.00


After a brief time away from the sex trade to graduate high school a black Nova Scotian woman goes with her boyfriend to Toronto to work as a stripper and sex worker as a way to show him how good … 18 $1.80


A young black woman recounts how she became pregnant and quit school and how her boyfriend forces her to get an abortion which becomes the reason she finally leaves him. 14 $1.40


A black woman recounts the slow way she broke ties with an abusive and manipultaed partner and her want to reach out to other survivors. 3 $0.30