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ISBN: 9780776603278


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To Serve Canada

A History of the Royal Military College of Canada

During the four decades following the Second World War, the Royal Military College of Canada has adapted to the need to produce professional career officers by evolving into an academic centre of excellence and one of the country’s leading universities. Along the way, it has responded to the challenges of service integration and unification, bilingualism, the emergence of Collège militaire royal and Royal Roads Military College, the employment of women in non-traditional roles, Canada’s changing cultural make-up, and the rapid pace of technological change. In a society in which the precepts of military service are increasingly remote, the continued competition for entrance into RMC speaks of its resilience as a centre of learning and leadership.


Richard Preston

Richard Preston, Historian, Author, Founding President of the Association of Canadian Studies in the United States and the Royal Military College Historian

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Foreword by General A.J.G.D. de Chastelain, Chief of the Defence Staff, 1991. 2 $0.26


Preface 5 $0.65


How have other countries coped with the challenges that faced the Royal Military College of Canada? How have they accommodated the academic and military elements in their mandate, and how have … 12 $1.56


The history of the old RMC and the establishment of the new college in 1948. 15 $1.95


Officer production under Brooke Claxton. 11 $1.43


Academic Policy and the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). 17 $2.21


The creation of the Directorate of the Regular Officer Training Plan (DROTP) and the decision to integrate the Canadian Forces under a single command and administration. 15 $1.95


The long-standing concern in the services about wastage in the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP), including the Canadian Services Colleges (esc), was linked with general manpower problems. 15 $1.95


Defence Minister Paul Hellyer introduced legislation to move from the integration of Defence Headquarters to a complete unification of the Canadian Forces in a single service. 13 $1.69


The Department of National Defence transforms the ad hoc Officer Development Board into a permanent agency, the Canadian Defence Educational Establishments. CDEE was expected to carry out General … 17 $2.21


The Canadian Defence Educational Establishment office having already been quietly disbanded during the preceding year, a Directorate of Professional Education and Development (DPED) would take … 19 $2.47


This chapter outlines the introduction into the RMC course of personnel already serving in the armed forces with and without commissions. 13 $1.69


CORE’S directive in accordance with the Trudeau government’s policy to give Canada’s two official languages equal status and Canada’s two founding peoples equal opportunities. 11 $1.43


Bilingualism at RMC in principle and in practice. 11 $1.43


The Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada reported in 1970 that the government should give women the same support for a university education as it gave men through the Regular Officer … 9 $1.17


From Canadian Military Colleges to a "university with a difference." 13 $1.69