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ISBN: 9781773635224-02

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Toxic Encounters: What’s Whiteness Doing in a Nice Field Like Education?


From: White Benevolence


In chapter 3, Sheelah McLean examines the effects of white settler colonialism on public education, looking mainly at how white supremacy is maintained through the repetition of everyday performances of whiteness in school systems. Whiteness is illustrated in this chapter by focusing on four practices that were most frequently performed by teachers in McLean’s study: a) individualizing racism b) the tool of silence and silencing racism c) accusations of playing the race card and d) normalizing racial segregation. The commonality and consistency of these accounts of whiteness create a toxic climate that has harmful impacts on Indigenous students.



Sheelah McLean

Sheelah McLean, PhD, is a third-generation white settler who lives on Treaty 6 territory. Sheelah has worked in education for thirty years teaching high school, adult education, as well as graduate and undergraduate courses in antiracism at the University of Saskatchewan. Sheelah is also an organizer with the Idle No More network. As a scholar and community organizer, Sheelah’s work has focused on research projects and actions that address inequality, particularly focusing on how white dominance is created and maintained within a white settler society. Sheelah currently works as a curriculum developer for San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training.