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ISBN: 9780776603476-31


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"Tragedy Houses My Wound" 1990

From: The Quebec Anthology


Carpentier’s most recent collection of stories, De ma blessure atteint et autres détresses (1990), further explores his interest in the fantastic and the psychology of control. The story included here, translated by Grady as "Tragedy Houses My Wound," is the

title story from that collection.



André Carpentier

André Carpentier was born in Montreal on October 29, 1947. He graduated from the Université du Quebec à Montréal in 1973 with a masters degree in literature, and is a short-story writer and novelist. He helped edit the visual arts magazine L'Écran in 1974, and the next year became the assistant director of the International Pavilion of Humour at Montreal's Man and His World, a position he held until 1980. During this time, he organized a collective of comicstrip artists called La Bande déssinée kébécoise whose work appeared in the journal La Barre du jour. He also published articles in La Presse, Moebius, and Le Livre d'ici.