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ISBN: 9781551521053-14

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Wear It with Pride:

The Fashions of Toronto's Pride Parade and Canadian Queer Identities

From: In a Queer Country


There have been many studies that claim that homosexuals have long engaged in "reading" ‘each other, in finding elements of presentation, which show "I am what you are." Frolic’s essay discusses how dress is used for self-definitions for many different gay and lesbian identities and communities. Queer country has many different tribes and many different forms of national dress.



Andrea N. Frolic

Andrea N. Frolic is a doctoral student in Cultural Anthropology at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Her research interests include the cultural dimensions of illness, medical ethics, and gender studies. Patrick Wey, whose work accompanies Frolic's essay, is a freelance photographer and artist located in Waterloo, Ontario.