


Publication Year

ISBN: 9780865719613-10

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White Women’s Tears


From: What's Up With White Women


Women of Color and Tears

White Women’s Tears As a Response to Sexism

Tears for Fears

The Impact of White Women’s Tears

Tears in Immersion

Tears in Capitulation

Tears in Defense

Tears when Transitioning to Projection

Tears in Projection

Tears in Balance

Tears in Integration

Beyond Tears



Ilsa Govan

Tilman Smith is an educator, consultant, facilitator, and activist focused on racial justice, white privilege, internalized sexism, and internalized white superiority. She lives in Seattle, WA.

Tilman Smith

Ilsa Govan is an anti-racist facilitator, consultant, leadership coach, activist, and the co-founder of Cultures Connecting, which has helped countless organizations put their vision of racial equity into practice. She lives in Seattle, WA.