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ISBN: 9781552215692-02

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Words Used and Abused

Introduction, Misuse, Words that Don't (or May Not) Mean What Your Think They Do, MIscellaneous Things That Annoy Me, Terms for Lawyers, French


From: Guthrie's Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd Edition


Gruesome Twosomes, That and Which, Waffle, Awful Lawerisms aka Legalese, However, Said Same Such, Shall Will Should Would May Might Must, And/Or, And, Or, Only, the Lonely, Who and Whom, All Well and Good,Espect and Regard, Between and Among, Noun Fatigue, Phrases We Love to Misuse, Just How Frequently Is That?, Numbers and Dates, Misued Words Confusing Points and Troublesome Triplets, Some Contractual Points, Problematic Pasts, Fractured French, Law French



Neil Guthrie

Neil Guthrie is a lawyer and writer. He was educated at the universities of Toronto (BA, LLB) and Oxford (D Phil). He is director of professional development, research, and knowledge management at Aird & Berlis LLP.