

Publication Year


ISBN: 9780865718784-07

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Coercion And Positive Alternatives In The Classroom

From: Freedom To Learn


Sometimes we encounter teachers who are willing to adopt some positive methods, but insist they must continue to use systems of consequences for inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately, the positive results described in previous chapters can only be realized when coercive methods are discontinued. In part this chapter will describe the disadvantages of several intervention methods common in our schools. The authors discussed whether this chapter was even necessary, but eventually decided that many teachers would be reluctant to give up coercive methods unless we explicitly describe how they affect




Art Willans

Dr. Art Willans holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in education from Emporia State University and a Ph.D. in Developmental and Child Psychology from the University of Kansas. He has taught in the fields of education, special education, psychology, and child development, and administered several programs including a shelter for abused and neglected children and residential homes for behaviorally disordered children. He operates a preschool/therapeutic preschool, where he has refined his revolutionary methods. Art and his wife live in Reno, NV, and during the summer can often be found hiking trails high above Lake Tahoe.

Cari Williams

Cari Williams is a teacher with a Bachelor of Science in Education and Special Education K-12, and an endorsement in Early Childhood/Special Education from the University of Nevada, Reno. She met Dr. Willans when she interviewed for a position at his school and learned the basic methods in the book from him, while going on to make significant contributions to the methodology. Cari's professional experience includes serving as a Special Education Resource teacher for students from kindergarten through sixth grade, teaching Early Childhood Special Education, and currently teaching kindergarten. The concept for this book originated from her remarkable success in getting students to excel academically. Cari lives in Reno, NV with her husband and three children.