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ISBN: 9780776606613-13


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Northern Lights in German Theatres: How Quebec Plays Come to Germany

From: Translating Canada


This chapter explores the different ways in which theatre texts from francophone Canada travel to Germany. It examines the support available from European and Canadian institutions and the roles played by agencies and publishers. A case study of the way Daniel Danis’s Le chant du Dire-Dire travelled to Germany provides a real-life example.



Andreas Jandl

Andreas Jandl, Berlin, works as a literary translator specializing in Canadian fiction and drama. He studied theatre, English Studies, and French Studies obtaining his master’s degree in art dramatique from UQAM, Montreal, and has worked as a dramaturge and festival organizer for several theatres and international theatre festivals. He has translated, among others, texts by Daniel Danis, Xavier Durringer, Carole Fréchette, Stéphane Hogue, Donal McLaughlin, John Murrell, Michael Mackenzie, Gaétan Soucy, and Michel Tremblay.