

Publication Year

ISBN: 9780776606613-15


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Antonine Maillet in German: A Case Study

From: Translating Canada


The Goncourt Prize always ensures international interest. In German-speaking countries, this particular award did not, however, garner much interest, nor did it lead to a German translation of the book [Pélagie-la-charrette]. This lack of interest may have been due to the difficulty of the book’s language, the style of writing, or the provincial theme.



Klaus-Dieter Ertler

Klaus-Dieter Ertler is a professor of Romance languages and literatures at the University of Graz, Austria. His main research interests include the francophone novel, the Jesuit Relations of New France, and systems theory as an epistemological model. His recent publications include Der frankokanadische Roman der dreißiger Jahre: Eine ideologiekritische Darstellung (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2000); Kleine Geschichte des frankokanadischen Romans (Tübingen: Narr, 2000); Canada 2000: Identity and Transformation/Identité et transformation (ed. with Martin Löschnigg; Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2000); Canada in the Sign of Migration and Trans-Culturalism/Le Canada sous le signe de la migration et du transculturalisme (ed. with Martin Löschnigg; Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004); Ave Maris Stella: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Einführung in die Acadie (ed. with Andrea Maria Humpl and Daniela Maly; Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2005); and Migration und Schreiben in der Romania (ed.; Münster: LIT, 2006).