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ISBN: 9781772554571-12

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Elder Abuse

From: Conflict Management in Law Enforcement




James Pardy

James Pardy is a professor of justice studies. His lifelong career has been dedicated to law enforcement and, most importantly, contributing to the integrity and ethics of his profession through his textbooks and teachings. James served on the provincial committee that prepared the learning outcomes for police foundations curricula across Ontario and was appointed to lead the way for the development of conflict management courses for Ontario police foundations. James has taught a variety of different courses, including Interviewing & Investigation, Conflict Management, Youth in Conflict with the Law, Evidence & Investigation, Police Powers, Interpersonal Group Dynamics, and Use of Force. He has experience in emergency response, firearms, suicide intervention, non- violent crisis intervention, and identifying child abuse. James has written online courses in evidence and investigation, interviewing and investigation, and conflict management for delivery across Ontario.