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ISBN: 9781552215395-06

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The Role of the Prosecutor at Sentencing


From: Sentencing in Canada


Chapter 6 explores the role of the prosecutor during sentencing including their submissions to the court, their role in plea bargaining and resolution discussions and in addressing the needs of a victim.



Lia Di Giulio

Lia Di Giulio is Crown counsel in the Serious Fraud Office with the Ministry of the Attorney General in Toronto. She holds an LLB from the University of Windsor Law School and was called to the bar in 2004. She also holds a master of arts degree in Criminology from the University of Ottawa. From 2004 to 2015, Di Giulio was an assistant Crown attorney in the Region of Peel, where she successfully prosecuted a range of complex Criminal Code offences in the Ontario and Superior courts of justice. From 2015 until joining the Serious Fraud Office in 2018, Di Giulio worked as senior litigation counsel with the Ontario Securities Commission’s Joint Serious Offences Team, prosecuting complex securities fraud and other serious breaches of the Ontario Securities Act.