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ISBN: 9780864924452-09

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To Your Health

Spas and Other Cures

From: Wanderlust


Chapter Nine focuses on traveling for one’s health. The chapter explorers the creation of spas and resorts for health, including roman baths, health spas and springs in the Middle Ages, spas in America, and the modern resurgence in them in the twenty first century.



Laura Byrne Paquet

Laura Byrne Paquet is the author of The Urge to Splurge: A Social History of Shopping. Her articles have appeared in more than 70 publications in Canada, the U.S., and Europe, including National Geographic, Traveler, Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel, enRoute, Chatelaine, Canadian Living, and the Ottawa Citizen. Between her globe-trotting adventures, she finds time to write romance novels from her Ottawa home.