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ISBN: 9781773635170-12

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A Decade of Indigenist re-Search Projects and Methodologies

Part 2: Wholistic re-Search Methodologies


From: Kaandossiwin, 2nd Edition


In Chapter 12, Absolon presents an updated summary of the last ten years in the growing emergence of Indigenous re-search projects and the good work Indigenous searchers are doing. The chapter discusses topics including Indigenist re-search projects and methodologies, and provides five case studies of Indigenous PhD journeys of trailblazers and pathmakers in growing and furthering the field of Indigenous ways of knowing and knowledge.



Kathleen Absolon (Minogiizhigokwe)

Kathleen Absolon (Minogiizhigokwe) is Anishinaabe kwe from Flying Post First Nation Treaty 9. Her relationships to the land, ancestors, Nation, community, and family deeply informs her re-search. She is a Full Professor in the Indigenous Field of Study, Faculty of Social Work and the Director of the Centre for Indigegogy at Wilfrid Laurier University.