
Publication Year


ISBN: 9780776605999-08


"a widening of the northern coterie":The Cross-Border Cultural Politics of Ezra Pound, Marshall McLuhan, and Louis Dudek

From: The Canadian Modernists Meet


There is no better measure of the ambiguity surrounding Canadian modernism than the fact that the only uncontested understanding shared by critics on the matter is an almost universal familiarity with the postmodernist position that we did not have any modernism in Canada: that, according to Robert Kroetsch, our literature evolved from E.J. Pratt’s late Victorian aesthetic to parodic postmodernism, and that, according to George Bowering, Canadian modernism began and ended with Sheila Watson’s The Double Hook.


Tony Tremblay

Tony Tremblay is an associate professor of Canadian and Cultural Studies at St. Thomas University. He has published several essays on Louis Dudek, Marshall McLuhan, and Ezra Pound, and edited David Adams Richards: Essays on His Works (2005). He is working on a critical biography of Richards.