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An Interview with Dr. Alex Wilson: Queering the Mainstream


From: White Benevolence


In chapter 17, Sheelah McLean provides the transcript from her interview with Dr. Alex Wilson.



Alex Wilson

Dr. Alex Wilson (PhD) is a Two-Spirit scholar from Opaskwayak Cree Nation. She is a professor in the Department of Educational Foundations in the College of Education at the University of Saskatchewan. Her teaching and research focuses on Indigenous land-based education, Coming In theory and Queering education. She is also an organizer in the Idle No More movement and is leading work toward sustainable housing for the One House Many Nations campaign.

Sheelah McLean

Sheelah McLean, PhD, is a third-generation white settler who lives on Treaty 6 territory. Sheelah has worked in education for thirty years teaching high school, adult education, as well as graduate and undergraduate courses in antiracism at the University of Saskatchewan. Sheelah is also an organizer with the Idle No More network. As a scholar and community organizer, Sheelah’s work has focused on research projects and actions that address inequality, particularly focusing on how white dominance is created and maintained within a white settler society. Sheelah currently works as a curriculum developer for San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training.