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Beyond Shelters

Solutions to Homelessness in Canada from the Front Lines

This book offers essays by experienced shelter managers who address the future of the homeless shelter in Canada. This diverse collection includes contributions by leaders in the homelessness field from across Canada, who have been at the forefront of developing unique services for women, youth, Indigenous people, and families. The days of shelters serving to merely warehouse homeless people out of sight and mind are being replaced by specialized approaches that are reducing homelessness in Canada.


James Hughes

JAMES HUGHES has worked as a senior administrator in social services for more than fifteen years. He served as Director General of the Old Brewery Mission, Quebec's largest centre serving homeless people. He was the Deputy Minister of Social Development in New Brunswick from 2008 to 2011 and now works for the Montreal based McConnell Foundation. He is the author of Early Intervention: How Canada's social programs can work better, save lives, and often save money. He lives in Montreal.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Provides a short history of the homeless shelter sector’s development followed by a description of its current size, shape, and orientations in Canada. Analyzes how homeless shelters have … 14 $1.40


Describes how Dr. Sam Tsemberis ascertained through his work and research at the famed Bellevue Hospital that chronically homeless people could be stably housed with improved quality of life … 29 $2.90


Describes the development of the transition house movement in Newfoundland and Labrador and how these centres have become anchors for the protection and safety of women in their communities. … 18 $1.80


Proposes that, while continuing to deliver essential services to men and women in states of emergency and providing assistance in finding and keeping housing, homeless shelters are well placed to … 19 $1.90


Describes the history of Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission (an 125 year old shelter) and how it is working in concert with local psychiatric teams and housing agencies to create multiple and … 19 $1.90


Describes how the medical emergency model is being used to treat the social emergency a homeless person faces; triaging newly homeless people and helping them reconnect to housing and services in … 12 $1.20


Describes what how homeless shelters should be assisting homless people in three areas: finding a home, preparing for work, and developing friendships. Analyzes how the Gateway Shelter (Salvation … 16 $1.60


Discusses the fight against youth homelessness with particular emphasis on strategies to combat Indigenous youth homelessness in Winnipeg. 19 $1.90


Cora Gajari, Executive Director of Carmichael Outreach Inc. in Regina, Saskatchewan, draws on her own experience as an Indigenous woman who has faced violence and marginalization, discusses the … 16 $1.60


Describes how the Mustard Seed in Calgary is building its own capacity to move homeless people into the community at scale. Examines the organization’s Wellness Centre as emblematic of its … 17 $1.70


Based on over 30 years of work with the Salvation Army across Canada, Karen Hoeft describes how it is the loss of community that creates homelessness at the outset thus restoring community must … 16 $1.60


Arlene Haché describes her personal journey from homelessness to leadership. She characterizes the disproportional representation of homeless Indigenous women requiring the services of the … 22 $2.20


Describes and analyzes how the Bloom Group in downtown Vancouver works closely with women to control and move on from crisis to confront and reduce homelessness, recognizing violence as a … 15 $1.50


Analyzes how the diversity of the shelterscape in Canada offers homeless people the right door into the services and programs they may need to exit homelessness in the shortest time possible. … 13 $1.30