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ISBN: 9780776606279-04


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Biased Books by Harmless Drudges: How Dictionaries Are Influenced by Social Values

From: Lexicography, Terminology, and Translation


As keepers of our language, monolingual dictionaries are important cultural objects and therefore must adhere to certain social rules. Some of those rules can affect the forms of the definitions and of the examples.



Kristen Mackintosh

Kristen Mackintosh, was at the University of Ottawa for ten years, during most of which she had the pleasure of working with Ingrid Meyer. While completing her MA there, she was a research assistant for Ingrid, conducting research in the fields of lexicography, terminology, and translation. For several years following the completion of her MA thesis on dictionary use in L2-L1 translation, written under Ingrid’s supervision, she continued working with Ingrid as a research associate and taught a course on documentary research in the School of Translation and Interpretation. After a three-year sojourn in Geneva, she is now back in Ottawa working as a freelance translator.