
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459405073-04

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Bucking a Losing Trend

Glimpses of Grassroots Unionism

From: Quiet No More


Chapter three then studies the impact of grassroots activism in trade unions. Following a review of the debate on the “crisis” in working class politics, I bring in examples to illustrate how grassroots movements have emerged in recent years, most notably where workplace battles have championed community organizing and union-member-driven campaigns. These, I think, reveal the potential for grassroots activism in unions today; they also recall earlier union traditions and suggest the necessity to rebuild rank and file networks to shift the fortunes of organized labour.



Joel D. Harden

JOEL D. HARDEN works as a social justice consultant in Ottawa and currently teaches at Carleton University in the Department of Law and Legal Studies. During his term as Adjunct Professor at Brock University he served as union liaison for its Centre for Labour Studies. He is an advisory board member for Our Times Magazine and has written numerous academic and general articles. He lives in Ottawa.