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ISBN: 9781459415232-06

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Chapter 4

The New Resistance

From: The Canadian Labour Movement


Author Craig Heron explores the rise of new waves of labour unrest in the 1960s and 1970s. The chapter addresses the economic, social and political conditions that spawned this new resistance and the new categories of workers who were at the forefront of this agitation, especially public-sector workers and Quebec workers. The chapter also traces the new political strength of the party supported by the labour movement: the New Democratic Party.



Craig Heron

CRAIG HERON is a professor emeritus of History at York University in Toronto and the author of several works in Canadian social history, including Working in Steel: The Early Years in Canada, 1883–1935; The Workers’ Revolt in Canada, The Workers’ Festival: A History of Labour Day in Canada, Lunch-Bucket Lives: Remaking the Workers’ City and Working Lives: Essays in Canadian Working-Class History.

Charles Smith

CHARLES SMITH is an associate professor and department head of Political Studies at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. He is co-author of Unions in Court: Organized Labour and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and co-editor of the journal Labour/Le Travail.